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Simone Piller

Staff of Diversity and Collaboration

ETH Zürich

Abt. Div. u. Koop.

OCT F 19

Binzmühlestrasse 130

8092  Zürich


Curriculum Vitae

Simone Piller studied psychology at the Universities of Zurich and Vienna. After graduating, she worked in various companies and industries in the areas of Learning & Development, Mental health / Well-being, Employee Engagement and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as a project manager, trainer, consultant and deputy team leader.


In December 2022, the mother of two joined ETH and, as Project Manager Diversity & Collaboration, took over responsibility for the development of the Respect programme, which was launched in spring 2024. In July 2024, she took over as Head of the Respect Office. She is responsible for advising and supporting students and employees in cases of violations of personal integrity in the workplace (discrimination, harassment, bullying) and workplace conflicts.


Simone Piller has training in coaching, personnel and organisational development, innovative HR management, diversity and gender equality.


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